Part one.
It was the workhorse of the Yaesu from 1970, year of start of production to the 80s. It seems to be the apparatus, in the various versions, more produced by Yaesu. I bought it in a duty free shop of Panama, Canal Zone, in 1974, in that time I was working, in those places. I paid it 500 US $ and the serial number is 5L 310554. More historic info about Yaesu FT101E in this link.
My model is FT100EX, the cheapest one, because I would have used it especially in CW and from a fixed station. The following accesory were missing: the speech processor, the Dc converter, the DC cord, the original microphone, the crystal for the 160 meters, the cooling fan for the PA and there was only the crystal for the 10A band. Later I added the fan, then I added the quartz for the 160 meters, and I adapted a handheld microphone.
I have always kept this radio in order, because in the twenty years that I have used it, performed a good job and has given me a lot of satisfaction. Then I passed to the TS430 and then to the TS850, but the FT101EX is still in use in my station. In 47 years of service, no damages, nor repairs.
A few days ago I saw on sale, on the flea marked, Ari Fidenza, the CW filter, XF 30C for FT101E, by Massimo I5MZI, at a right price. I decided to install the filter CW on Yaesu FT101E. We agreed and I bought it. I have just finished installing, cecked the receiver and finally I heard my FT101EX with the narrow bandwidth. It seem to be another receiver
Because of the wide diffusion of this radio, still in use in many radio amateurs stations all over the world, I thought of writing a tutorial with detailed instructions for installing the filter in the apparatus.
End part one.
Link to part two.