Less than one week to the Marconi Memorial Contest HF CW 2022 dedicated to the italian inventor of the radio.
It’s a world wide type contest. Every one can contacts every one. It will take place the first weekend of july of every year. It’s organized by the A.R.I.’s section of Fano city. Eliseo/ik6bak is the contest manager.
The particularity of the Marconi Memorial Contest HF CW 2022 is just one mode of operation, CW ofcourse. The multipliers are each DXCC countries worked on each of the six bands permitted from 160 to 10 meters. There are a lot of cattegories, single band included.
This is the link to reach the whole contest rules at the ARI Fano web site. Here, instead, there are the previous years results
I’ll partecipate on the single operator low power cattegory. I’ll try to be active on all bands.
I hope to see you in the contest the qso with you will be appreciated very much,
73 de Fiorino/i3fdz