A few comments about last CQWW 160 CW 2025 just passed.
I had been always interested in the low band since I was radio officer in the italian merchant ships. In that times I often used medium waves on the distress an calling frequencies of 500 kHz CW and 2.182 kHz AM or SSB.
In this band I use an inverted V dipole with the extremes folded and the top 12 metres high. It is tuned exactly on the band’s segment from 1830 kHz to 1850 kHz where the ROS is 1:1. I use a RTX Kenwood TS850S with maximum power output 100 watt. I haven’t any linear amplifier on this band.
But now here is the results by the contest logger QARTest of my CQWW 160 CW 2025.
I operated a little bit less than five hours. This is the rate graph.
Summary and statistics:
I contacted two continents, Europe and africa. I post the two multipliers tables.
The most far qso has been with TF. The true target of this contest was to contact a few North American stations, but I didn’t succeed even if I watched the band at sunrise of suturday and sunday without listen to any USA or Canadian stations.
I have to make known that during the contest, the Reverse Beacon system, reported a lot of italian stations operating outside the legal band assigned from italian governament to Radiohamateur. In Italy the legal frequencies in this band are fron 1830 kHz to 1850 kHz, any other emission outside thes limits are illegal. Therefore all qso performed by italian stations above 1850 kHz and below 1830 kHz should be not valid and these stations entries should be classified in the Check Log cattegory.
So we wait for the Raw Score and Final Results.
If you need more information, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on my page of qrz.com using the mouse to view.
Best regards and 73 de Fiorino/i3fdz