This is my contribution to the international Centenary Italian Radio Broadcasting award organized by the italian Radioamateur Association A.R.I. I used the special call II3RTRE issued to the ARI section of my city Treviso.
The cloud service of hamaward permit the upload immediate of all qso. So that hunters was able to check the award endorsement qso by qso in real time.
I performed all qso using the logger QARTest with Dxpn modality and the functionality Broadcast Datas Outside to upload in real time all qso to hamaward cloud.
The Centenary Italian Radio Broadcasting award has been a success either for italian radioamateur and for ARI.
If you need more informations, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on digiting my call on the window Enter Query.
Many regards de Fiorino/i3fdz