Category : Contest


ARI International DX Contest 2022

Less than three mounths to the ARI Interational DX Contest 2022. It will take place the first weekend of may. Starting at 12:00 UTC of saturday may 7 untill 11:59 UTC of sunday may 8. Twuentyfour hours of operation on five bands. No limits about multioperators cattegories. This is the link, in the ARI site, for the whole rules.

Italian stations will exchange the abreviation of their provincie. I remenber the ARI International DX Contest 2022, is aworld wide type, every one can contact every one, but the Italian stations count ten points for each qso and every province contacted counts a moltiplier in all bands

Italian operators are waiting you. Save the date and join our contest.

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WAE CW 2021 final results


DARC, Deutschen Amateur-Radio-Club e.V., just published the final results of the WAE European Dx Contest for the CW round. The full results are reachable at the following link. Personally I’m not satisfied becouse i lost une position from the tenth place of declared score to the eleventh place of the final results. From my UBN sheet i found  lots of mistakes in the received QTC errors list. I have better to improve my performance for the next year. Follow three plans, from the official site of DARC, with first positions of the Single operator LP category regarding Europe, Outside Europe and Italy.

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CQ WWCW 2021

cq ww dx cw

Just eight hours of operations in the CQ WW CW  2021, but a challenging job, has been performed this year. The radio traffic results as: more than four hundred qso, 136 multipliers and 49 zone on six bands. My entry is in the “Single operator LP assisted” category. I hope have more time available next year. The next table, from the contest logger QARTest, shows summary and few statistics.

summary cq ww 21


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The DARC WAEDC management issued the the WAE CW 2021 RAW SCORES, and here by countries. From that site, in the next pictures, I extracted a partial list of Low Power category for EU, DX and Italy.


I listed tenth on european ranking and first on the italian one. Now we have to wait, trustful, for the committee check, to determine the right places. I hope to make few mistakes as this is my best performance in WAE CW contest.


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WAE CW 2021


WAE CW 2021 is just passed, very good propagation indeed specially on saturday a little bit less sunday. A lot of station from NA, SA, ASIA as usually. I suffered the low power cattegory on low bands 40 and 80 metres. Many atmospheric noises sunday evening and night.

A few news this year from DARC about the rules, the  chinese call areas become multipliers, and QSOs with 000 report counts only if moltipliers.

The propagation seem to going good, i hope the 25th solar cycle is raising fast.

This year i got my best all time results.

And now my declared score and statistics released by the contest loggin QARTest

First the rate graph.

rate graph

Summary and statistics.




Multipliers by continents

mult af
mult asia
mult na
mult oc
mult sa

Call areas multipliers

mult call area

I remenber you that the SSB section will take place in  September second full weekend, from Saturday, September 11th, 2021, 0000 UTC until Sunday, September 12th, 2021, 2359 UTC.

Instead the RTTY section will take place in November second full weekend, from Saturday, November 13th, 2021, 0000 UTC until Sunday, November 14, 2021, 2359 UTC.

I’m waiting hopeful the declared score and the final results.


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ARI International DX Contest 2021 results


The ARI HF Contest Manager Filippo Vairo, IZ1LBG published the 2021 results very quickly. This is the link for Dx stations.

Unfortunately this year I had a disappointment, I lost one position from the claimed scores to final results. From first place to second position. Never mind, I’ll try to improve my performance next year. Congratulations to Salvatore ik8und, IO8O operator for the victory.

Here is the top ten of the Single Operator CW Low Power:

so cw lp 2021


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Contest Products rewiew

Kenwood TS-990S TS-890S my favourites radios

I’m going to buy a new radio soon. I think to buy one the my favorites ones Kenwood TS-990S TS-890S.

ts 890
ts 990

I’m using Kenwood radio since 1985. First the TS-430S, i bought it new and later i added the options: FM module and the CW filter. Whit this radio i performed a lot of QSO mostly in CW mode specially in the conests. I won two ARI International Dx Contest in the 1986 and in the 1992. I taken it with me, for mobile operations, during my holliday in Greece in the 2005 and i used it from Elafonissos Island with the call SV8/I3FDZ/P during the IOTA Contest. I taken with me also in the 2008 during my holliday in Favignana Island from where i have partecipate to IOTA Contest with the call IF9/I3FDZ/P. More two fast mobile operations from Monaco 3A in the 1994 giving me another thousand QSO from there. I think yhe Kenwood TS-430S is a rock. Always used at full power. Always worked perfectly. Never repaired. Still used in my station as spare radio.

For this reason in the 1999 i bought another Kemwood the TS-850S. Few years later, I added the external Digital Signal Processor DSP-100, the narrow cw filter YK-88C-1 and the DRU-2. This one i keep fixed in the radio station for general use, normal QSOs, Dx stations, but especially in contest, both,barefoot at full power for Single Operator Low Power and with reduced power 50 W output followed by a power  amplifiers for High Power category. I had to change the capacitors gone bad. this is the unique repairing. I’m still using it  as main radio and it’s working very well indeed. I’m completly satisfied of this radio too.

stazione radio

Nevertheless, I think now it is time to get a new radio. I want to try the new capability and potentiality of modern transceiver. I wish to stay faithful to the Kenwood brand because i have a lot of confidence in these radios. Therefore i have to decide which one i prefer: The TS-990S with fully potentiality, and 200 Watt output, or his small brother the TS-890S, with 100 Watt output and less potentiality and a little beet cheaper. I’ll tell you which one i chose and how it works.


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ARI International DX Contest 2021 claimed scores

The Ari International Dx Contest 2021 claimed scores has been publisched very rush. Just one week after the contest ending, temporary rankings are issue. This link bring you to the page, on the ARI web site, to see the whole claimed scores. I’m very satisfied my call is first on the Single Operators CW LP list. In the next picture an abstract of the top 14 positions in this category.

claimed score
I hope to keep such position  after the final log check also.  It could be my sixth win, the first one has been in the far 1986, then 1992, 2017, 2018 and last 2019.

I’m waiting with suspense.


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