The ARRL CW 2025, has been the first contest in which i used my new special contest call IP3U. I got a lot of fun, what a pity the contest is 48 hours long. I don’t enjoy the two days long contests. I prefer the 24 hour ones like the ARI International Dx Contest that take place the first weekend of may.
There have been a lot of participants both from North America and outside North America. In few hours I contacted almost 500 North American stations.
I participated for about 11 hours in the cattegory Single Operator High Power Assisted, using 500 Watt, the maximun italian legal power. My antennas farm is a tower 15 metres high with a two elements cubical quad for 20/15/10. A multidipole inverted V for 40 and 80 with the top 15 metres high and another inverted V dipole for 160 metres with the top same 15 metres high, but none qso on 160 metres band neither listen some north american station although the propagation in this period is fabulous.
And now the results and statistics generated by the italian logger QARTest.
The rate graph table:
The statistics table:
And the multipliers tables:
I got a small trouble with my new contest call IP3U during the ARRL CW 2025. A lot of station misunderstood my call with a polish station as SP3U. There are a lot of polish stations on air on CW. So I had to correct them. I’m sure, in the final errors report, there will be many stations with my call wrong.
At the moment I’ve no contest planed. The next one will be the ARI International DX Contest that will take place the first weekend of may. I’ll speak more the next days about it.
If you need more information, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on my page of using the mouse to view.
Many regard to all readers
73 de Fiorino/i3fdz/ip3u