Less than three mounths to the ARI Interational DX Contest 2022. It will take place the first weekend of may. Starting at 12:00 UTC of saturday may 7 untill 11:59 UTC of sunday may 8. Twuentyfour hours of operation on five bands. No limits about multioperators cattegories. This is the link, in the ARI site, for the whole rules.
Italian stations will exchange the abreviation of their provincie. I remenber the ARI International DX Contest 2022, is aworld wide type, every one can contact every one, but the Italian stations count ten points for each qso and every province contacted counts a moltiplier in all bands
Italian operators are waiting you. Save the date and join our contest.
Most of the 107 Italian provinces will participates. The next tables showing all provinces and their abbreviations. My own is Treviso in the northeast of Italy and the abbreviation is TV.

I’ll publish more posts with further info soon
All my attempts to open ari.it page are without any success. Is any alternative way to send my contest log? Or my log with over 600 QSO is not needed?
Hi Albisas, I think all contest logs are wellcome.
Yes some time the http://www.ari.it is slows to open. But I opened it just few seconds ago. If your attempts continue to fail, you can contact the contest managaer Filippo/iz1lbg email iz1lbg@alice.it perhaps the cabrillo file could be attached to the email
Ciao Fiorino i3fdz/ir2l
The Ari Contest site does not work. How can I send my log?
Hi I just check the ARI web site and now is working. The following image indicate where clicking to activate the upload facility.
Ciao Fiorino i3fdz/ir3l
I did search the rules for ARI DX Contest on WA7BNM site, the link did not work. I did search ARI DX Contest sites on internet, no link for rules did work. The only link that work is to your site where you have part of the rules. Why does not ARI work and it is sure the contest will be going this coming weekend? 73 de Allan SM5CSS
Hi Allan,
yes the ARI International Dx Contest will take place the next weekend the 7 and 8 may.
This is the link to get the full rules in .pdf format:
However the page of the contest is the following:
I hope to meet you in the contest 73 Fiorino i3fdz/ir3l
Hi Allan,
clicking in the first link you will download the pdf file and then you have to open it clicking over there to to see the rules
Ciao Fiorino i3fdz/ir3l