
ARI DX 2024 Results

Ari Dx 2024 results. The final results has been pubblished by the italian Contest Manager Filippo Vairo IZ1LBG on the ARI web site and on the ARI magazine “Radio Rivista” of october 2024. With my great pleasume I found myself the winner on the categorie Single Operator CW LP. The seventh time winner in this categorie: 1986, 1992, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2023 and 2024. On the years 1986 and 1992 there wasn’t the separation between LP an HP. But my most important victory was last year 2023 wich I got the category record still in force.

Now I publish the table of Dx Records on each category downloaded from the site ARI at this link included all dx results also by countries with the contest statistics in .pdf format.

The ARI DX 2024 results, demonstrate that our contest is appreciate more and more, world wide and in Italy too, year by year, as proved by the increasing of entries in the following table downloaded from previous link.

I’m really surprise by my victory because I encountered a lot of difficulties during the contest as described in a my article written just after the event, reachable at this link.

I resume the links to download all the ARI DX 2024 results:

Dx Station results and statistics

Italian stations results and sttistics

I have to say that after seven victories I’m tired to use LP specially on low bands, so I’m going to pass to HP the next year. I don’t know on which categorie, may be on the mixed one or may be on the CW HP. I’ll decide the next year shortly before the contest date, it will depend by my humor on that time.

Remember the ARI Dx Contest happen the first weekend of may of each year. So in the 2025 will took place saturday 3 may 2024 beginning at 12:00 UTC and finish sunday 4 may 2024 at 11:59 UTC. Twentyfour hours of pleasure and efforts. Italian stations are waiting you. My call is I3FDZ, save it together with the contest date. I’ll appreciate the qso with you.

More informations about ARI Dx International 2025 will pubblished soon. But if you need more informations now, please write me using the form at the end of this article or via email that you can found on digiting my call on the window Enter Query.

Many regards de Fiorino/i3fdz

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