
IR3L special call for the ARI International DX Contest 2022

The special call IR3L was assigned to me, by the italian telecomunications authority, for the use during the Ari International Dx Contest 2022 the first weekend of may. IR3L was assigned to me also for the WAE Cw the second weekend of august and the CQ WW CW the last weekend of november. So instead of I3FDZ this year I’ll use IR3L. I’m going to partecipate in Single Operator Low Power category, therefore try to contact me even if my signal strength is low, any qso with you will be appreciated very much. On 10/15/20 metres bands i use a two elemets cubical quad about 15 metres high. On 40/80 metres i use inverted v dipoles with the apex 12 metres high.

This link to the whole contest rules.

Ciao, see you soon.


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